Fujitsu Next Tech Service Training at Ferguson (Secaucus)
Tuesday, May 4th, 2023 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
FUJITSU NEXT TECH SERVICE shows attendees how to use Fujitsu Tech Support menu on our website. We discuss how use Service Manuals, Service Instruction manuals, Design and Technical Manuals and Mobile Technician App for step-by-step diagnosis in the field. Training will demonstrate how to disassemble outdoor components and sub-assembly modules. We will show you how to identify electrical DC grounds for proper testing. You will be instructed on how to identify various field service issues. You will learn how to read error codes on indoor and outdoor units.
Nate # 1718-0021
This class is organized by Wales Darby with product provided by Fujitsu.
Wales Darby Trainer: Jim DePalma - Contractor Services Group
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